Patron FAQs
Donations will be used to publish a PoetSpeak Anthology on www.amazon.com of the
Best of Submitted Poems on this website each year. ​Editors will monitor reader comments
and ratings to determine which poems that fit the Useful, Accessible & Enjoyable criteria.
Chapbooks & Anthologies
Here you will find links to view examples of chapbooks and anthologies published with public PoetSpeak™ public performances.
Typically each PoetSpeak™ performance is composed of 10-15 poets, with one lead poet. The lead poet is featured with 5-10 poems, and supporting poets are represented with 1-3 poems. In the chapbook and anthologies poems are printed in the order they are performed. People attending a PoetSpeak™ performance can listen as well as re-read a poem they have just listened to. Generally, a PoetSpeak™ performance format has 2-5 single poems performed following with a brief musical interlude by a song writer.
People attending a PoetSpeak™ performance receive one copy of the chapbook or anthology published for each performance as a part of their admission contribution.
Best of PoetSpeak™
Here you will find links to annual PoetSpeak™ books and anthologies published after 2022. Each anthology or book will be published and available for sale on Amazon.com and other outlets.
Members will be able to receive a copy at a reduced rate, and each poet published in each issue will receive a free copy.
Star Book
Here you will find links to special PoetSpeak™ books featuring 50-100 poems by PoetSpeak™ authors who have written a significant volume of poems and lyrics that meet PoetSpeak’s™
Suggested guidelines for Useful, Enjoyable & Accessible poetic work.