What was it like when you were young,
Did you watch your mama
In the kitchen?
I'll bet that's why you bake that
Delicious brown bread.
Did you go barefoot
All the time?
I notice you always wear your sturdy shoes,
Even in the house.
Where did you learn
To crochet?
Was that something
your grandma taught you?
You must have hung out
With your papa a lot, too.
I've never seen another grandma
Who could pound a hole in a wall
And a week later have
A window in its place;
No muss, no fuss.
Who influenced your
lemon drop craze?
That says "Grandma's House" to me;
Always a bowl of lemon drops
Ready for the asking
(never just the taking).
Was it an aunt who gave you
That watermelon rind pickle recipe?
Or did you perfect that yourself?
I wish I would have taken the time
To learn more from you, Grandma.
I can't even bake bread.
--Evy Kristensen
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Just some remembrances of my grandma. Sorry this was written after she was gone.